All fees include personal coaching and individual programming as well as unlimited gym access during normal opening hours.
We also offer online weightlifting coaching and one off PT sessions.

Standard $90 per Month
High School Enrolled Children $60 per Month
Failed EziDebit Transaction $15
Replacement Swipe Tag $10

Download EziDebit Direct Debit Form
Download Membership Form

Accounts Contact Email

All fees MUST be paid by EziDebit direct debit

1) If you have a failed edebit then you cannot train until debit is cleared with accounts
2) Direct Debit’s are taken out on the 1st of each month and sometimes the 2nd or 3rd if it falls on a weekend/public holiday
3) Appears as “EZI Cougars Weightlifting” on your bank statement
4) If you leave please let us know so we can stop your direct debit – please remember its up to you to let us know to cancel it ! – we need to know 2 days before the start of the month via an email to accounts otherwise you will be charged for another month.
5) Pension Concession Card holders pay 75% of standard rate.

All fees MUST be paid by Ezidebit direct debit

Other Info

Coaches get a bursary that can be used to cover coaching expenses eg QWA membership, Training fees, First Aid Courses, Phone bills, Comp Travel, re-accrediation etc
Club Licenced coaches get $8 per athlete per month
State Licenced coaches get $11 per athlete per month
National Licenced coaches get $15 per athlete per month
Coaches and Parents can use the Gym “Accessory” area for free as long as its not busy
Comp and Setup Managers get $150 for an all day comp and $250 for a 2 day comps and single session comps get $100

It will be expected you volunteer at cougars and help run competitions minimum of three times during the year
The warmup helper will only count as one of your three volunteer roles for the year.

If you recruit a new member to the club and they pay fees for 3 months you get a months free training – to claim this credit please email accounts.


Download Bursary Expense Form
Download Reimbursement Request

Tia-Clair Toomey (2018 Commonwealth Games Gold medalist and 5 times winner of the Crossfit Games) started her lifting at Cougars