DK Duo
The DK Duo is a mixed pairs competition. This competition is open to all AWF athletes. All team pairings will be randomly generated. That means you don’t have to organise a partner yourself, just enter online and a partner will be automatically assigned to you.
Team points are scored by adding each athlete’s Sinclair points together. There are also 6 bonus points for each athlete who achieved 6/6 lifts in the competition. So a total of 12 bonus points are up for grabs!
Scoring Example
Team A Male Athlete = 250 Sinclair points
Team A Female Athlete = 180 Sinclair points
Team A Female Athlete 6/6 Bonus = 6 points
Team A total points = 436 points
Team B Male Athlete = 230 Sinclair points
Team B Female Athlete = 195 Sinclair points
Team B Male Athlete 6/6 Bonus = 6 points
Team B Female Athlete 6/6 Bonus = 6 points
Team B total points = 437 points
Team B wins!
All competitors must be current AWF members.
All QWA affiliated athletes can enter online via www.qwa.org
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 Teams .
Timetable & Volunteering
Many hands make light work. A competition and volunteer schedule will be released closer to the competition date. Sessions will be grouped by gender and totals. The competition and club is run by volunteers so please help out where you can. We will need loads of helpers on the day so please keep an eye out for the volunteering schedule.